Elder Dylan McGee
Kansas Wichita Mission
7011 E. 13th St. North
Wichita, Kansas 67206-1219

Thursday, March 31, 2016


Hey Loved Ones,This was one of the best weeks of my mission. So many miracles.Where do I begin. So, I got to go on exchanges with my MTC companion,Elder French, this week. That was probably the best exchange ever. Weworked super well together. This is the first time we've served aroundeach other since the MTC.As well, we got a ton of new investigators this week. Most of whichare college girls. They are super solid though. We tried asking themif they would rather be taught by the Sister Missionaries and theysaid no so I didn't argue. HahaTwo of those college girls, Amanda and Felicia, came to churchyesterday which was awesome!They are super prepared and will definitely be baptized in April.Speaking of baptism......CALEB WAS BAPTIZED ON SATURDAY! It was a tonof work, but at the same time it was like all God.It was so great, we have come to just love that dude and we are sohappy and so his he that he made a covenant this weekend to followChrist throughout his life. It was about 3 weeks ago we met him and itis amazing how in that time he has come to know this is the trueChurch of Jesus Christ. I know it is too, and I hope we all recognizewhat a beautiful thing that is. I hope you all have a marvelous week!:)-Elder McGee

Our Homie, Caleb, was baptized on Saturday!

Me and Elder French on Exchanges

Saturday, March 26, 2016


Hola Amigos!Another glorious week in Emporia! I love it here so much! We did a tonof finding new investigators this week. We found a ton of cool people.Most if not all of our teaching pool is college students or collegeage people. Not necessarily on purpose they are typically just themost receptive people.But anyways our investigator Caleb who we met like 2 1/2 weeks agocame to church for his second time yesterday. He stayed for all threehours too. He is also living the Word of Wisdom and Law of Chastity sowe are going to do everything we can to help him get baptized thisSaturday.Elder Tolley is doing really well in training as well. He'sprogressing super fast!I'm loving doing the Lords work! It brings so much happiness. In John13 it has the account of Christ washing his apostles feet. After doingthis he says, "For I have given you an example, that ye should do as Ihave done to you". Then he goes on to say, "If ye know these things,happy are ye if ye do them". I testify that living AND sharing thegospel brings happiness. Love you all and hope you have a great week!-Elder McGee

Monday, March 14, 2016


Hey amigos!Elder Tolley and I had a good week! We definitely worked hard. Thisweek there was a lot of meetings though. There was a district meeting,a zone conference, and a zone training all this week and on differentdays. It was crazy. So much driving!We still saw tons of miracles this week though. We are still teachingCaleb and he's progressing well. Unfortunately he'll be out of townfor a little bit of this week because of Spring Break though. Westarted teaching the boyfriend of the daughter of a really cool andactive family in the ward. As well as that, we met a neat lady namedLucitia, whom was a former investigator who we put on date for April2nd to be baptized. And yeah, good things are happening. :)I have thought a ton about faith this week. Faith in the Son of God isremarkable. It motivates us to act. As well as that, when we exercisegreat faith it makes things happen that would not have otherwisehappened if we didn't exercise faith in the Lord. In Jacob 4 it saysif we "search the prophets" (study the scriptures) then "our faithbecometh unshaken, insomuch that we truly can command in the name ofJesus and the very trees obey us, or the mountains, or the waves ofthe sea". Personally, I don't care to move mountains. I desire to movesomething much more important, that is, people closer to God. All ofus our capable of unshakable faith in Jesus Christ through prayer,scripture study, making and keeping covenants, and obeying thecommandments. I love the Lord and his work! I hope everyone has agreat week! :)-Elder McGee

Monday, March 7, 2016


Hello Family and Friends!Me and my new companion worked super hard this week. His name is ElderTolley and he is from Illinois. He's a good guy and I'm excited to behis trainer. One thing cool I love about new missionaries is how muchfaith they have. At least with my experience they don't expectrejection they expect the opposite.My favorite miracle of the week was meeting a guy named Caleb.One day we were where our investigators lives but they weren'thome so we decided to knock on a random door that we felt prompted toknock on. The first door we knocked on was a student named Caleb atthe University here. We talked to him on his doorstep and then he letus in his home and we powerfully taught message of the restoration.That happened on Saturday, we also invited them out to church the nextday. We got his number so that we could call him in the morning andremind him about church. When we call the next morning there was noanswer. We wanted to be able to say that we did everything we possiblycould to help him get to church so we went by before church andknocked on his door but no answer. So we went to church and rightbefore the opening prayer he walked in the chapel. What a miracle!This is truly the Lord's work, we had little to do with that. I justhope I can be a well tuned instrument in the Lord's hands. Withcomplete faith all things are possible and there is no need to fearman. "The Lord is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? theLord is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid?". (Psalms27:1)Love you all and hope you have a great week! :)-Elder McGee

Me & My Mission Sons