Hey amigos!Elder Tolley and I had a good week! We definitely worked hard. Thisweek there was a lot of meetings though. There was a district meeting,a zone conference, and a zone training all this week and on differentdays. It was crazy. So much driving!We still saw tons of miracles this week though. We are still teachingCaleb and he's progressing well. Unfortunately he'll be out of townfor a little bit of this week because of Spring Break though. Westarted teaching the boyfriend of the daughter of a really cool andactive family in the ward. As well as that, we met a neat lady namedLucitia, whom was a former investigator who we put on date for April2nd to be baptized. And yeah, good things are happening. :)I have thought a ton about faith this week. Faith in the Son of God isremarkable. It motivates us to act. As well as that, when we exercisegreat faith it makes things happen that would not have otherwisehappened if we didn't exercise faith in the Lord. In Jacob 4 it saysif we "search the prophets" (study the scriptures) then "our faithbecometh unshaken, insomuch that we truly can command in the name ofJesus and the very trees obey us, or the mountains, or the waves ofthe sea". Personally, I don't care to move mountains. I desire to movesomething much more important, that is, people closer to God. All ofus our capable of unshakable faith in Jesus Christ through prayer,scripture study, making and keeping covenants, and obeying thecommandments. I love the Lord and his work! I hope everyone has agreat week! :)-Elder McGee