This was a good week, we had some really good lessons where the spirit was felt strongly. We're seeing miracles everyday! I did receive some sad news though. A recent convert that I worked with in Colby named Henry passed away this week. It was really sad to hear, but at the same time he was in quite a bit of pain all the time and I know he's in a better place. I'm so grateful to have a knowledge of our Heavenly Father's Plan of Salvation or Plan of Happiness. Having that knowledge makes me so so happy! And I've been thinking about what makes me genuinely happy and I've come to realize none of them are temporal, they are all spiritual things. Like when I feel the Spirit work through me, my family, the knowledge of the gospel, sharing the gospel etc.Temporal things used to make me really happy, like getting a new watch or my car or whatever, and I'd be lying if I said they still don't make me happy, but I'm working on having a more Eternal Perspective. I love my family so much! And this week is the first Thanksgiving that i have ever spent apart from them. Which is kind of sad. But I promise this holiday season I spend apart from you guys will not go in vain. I will work my tail off to bring as many people unto Christ as I can with the Lord's help. And I will do it the Lord's way because this is the Lord's work! :) And feel free to keep me accountable to my promise. I challenge you guys this Thanksgiving, if you go around the table and say something your thankful for this year, to say some spiritual rather than temporal. And don't worry bout me at all, I'm going to get fed very well on Thursday! Which reminds me! I've gained 10 pounds since I've been out on my mission. So ya, I'm getting pretty stacked...But Happy Thanksgiving Everyone, I love all ya'll :)-Elder McGee
me and elder howell